We started a party with the traditional American Bud Light 30 pack, and several more showed up. Billy has the most surreal house ever. His parents fashioned an old time Saloon and store fronts in his Back yard. Just to hang out and drink in.
Its hot, we needed a big fan. But we weren't supposed to touch it because of possible electriculion.
Kansas City Strip Steaks. They don't have cattle in New York.
I was recently part of a play performance of "The Goddess Diana" by Heinrich Heine. The play had never really been performed before. Our version of the script contained live actors playing Heine and His Wife, who both tell the story as he is on his deathbed. The story is only in German so I didnt understand all of it. But there is a Knight trying to serve the Goddess Diana. It is a romantic and fantasy work.
We were in charge of creating visuals to be displayed on 3 large screens during the performance. We used a program called arkaos which arranges video clips on your keyboard so you can mix them live. Its considered the next evolution of the DJ, the VJ, Video Jockey.