Sunday, May 14, 2006


Mario and I went to Heidelberg this weekend. It is a very famous tourist city here in Germany. It has many high hills and old houses. It is also a big univerisity city, featuring Germany's oldest college.

We took a historic tram up one of the hills and found a great view of the city.


The Altstadt - Heidelberg

Very Large Baguette

Heidelberg Castle

GMYP Plays at the U-Bar

U-Bar here in town is our favorite drinking spot. Its short for Unverzicht-Bar which means something like "Unavoidable" in english. German bars often play with the english word "Bar", because it is a suffix like "-able" or "-ful" in German. The word "Wunderbar" for istance is Wonderful.

Our friend Guenther from school played here with his band the other night. It is a very small bar, but it is the student favorite so everyone packs in there (or sits outside in the Beer garden until 11 when they make us go inside).

Christo and Jean-Claude

Christo and Jean-Claude spoke here in Schwaebisch Hall. They are a very famous artist couple. They have created projects such as wrapping the Reichstag in Berlin, and thousands of Umbrellas that were placed along the highway in southern California.

The wrapped Berlin Reichstag. This project was rejected three times by the German government. It was almost 10 years after the 1st proposal that they received permission.

A Wrapped Bridge in Paris.

Over the River Project, Christo and Jean-Claude are currently working on suspending slightly transparent pieces of fabric over the Arkansas River in Colorado.

Their projects sometimes cost upwards of 20 million dollars. Christo creates sketches and plans for the pieces that he sells to raise money.

It was a very nice event, they gave us free food and wine afterwards. The Kunsthalle Wurth put on the event. It is a very nice museum for such a small town.